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WARNING - Rewriting this Library in Progress

This xml library has begun a rewriting process to correctly handle XML with xPath and XSLT template transformers. This rewrite did not get accomplished within the timeframe needed to push this release out.

USE this library at your own risk with limited functionality!


Support for XML is supported by Gofer Engine, but this document page is still under development.

Gofer Engine's XML library implements xml support with help of the xml-js library that handles converting XML to JSON internally. Gofer Engine's XMLMsg class wraps around this xml-js library and provides additional methods to extrapolate and transform xml data.

The IXMLMsg interface which is implemented by the XMLMsg class takes the shape of:

interface IXMLMsg {
kind: 'XML';
setMsg: (msg: Element) => IXMLMsg;
json: <N extends boolean>(
_normalized?: N,
) => N extends true ? Element : ElementCompact;
toString: () => string;
set: (path?: string | undefined, value?: ElementCompact) => IXMLMsg;
setJSON: (path: string | undefined, json: any) => IMsg;
get: (path: string | undefined) => string | ElementCompact;
delete: (path: string) => IXMLMsg;
copy: (path: string, toPath: string) => IXMLMsg;
move: (fromPath: string, toPath: string) => IXMLMsg;
map: (
path: string,
v: string | Record<string, string> | string[] | (<T>(v: T, i: number) => T),
options?: {
iteration?: boolean | undefined;
) => IXMLMsg;
setIteration: <Y>(
path: string,
map: Y[] | ((val: Y, i: number) => Y),
options?: { allowLoop: boolean },
) => IXMLMsg;

Example XML

To have a working example, we will use the following example XML message sourced from

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Patient xmlns="">
<id value="example"/>
<status value="generated"/>
<div xmlns="">
<p style="border: 1px #661aff solid; background-color: #e6e6ff; padding: 10px;">
<b> Jim </b> male, DoB: 1974-12-25 ( Medical record number: 12345 (use: USUAL, period: 2001-05-06
--&gt; (ongoing)))</p>
<table class="grid">
<td style="background-color: #f3f5da" title="Record is active">Active:</td>
<td> true</td>
<td style="background-color: #f3f5da" title="Known status of Patient">Deceased:</td>
<td colspan="3">false</td>
<td style="background-color: #f3f5da" title="Alternate names (see the one above)">Alt Names:</td>
<td colspan="3">
<li> Peter James Chalmers (OFFICIAL)</li>
<li> Peter James Windsor (MAIDEN)</li>
<td style="background-color: #f3f5da" title="Ways to contact the Patient">Contact Details:</td>
<td colspan="3">
<li> -unknown-(HOME)</li>
<li> ph: (03) 5555 6473(WORK)</li>
<li> ph: (03) 3410 5613(MOBILE)</li>
<li> ph: (03) 5555 8834(OLD)</li>
<li> 534 Erewhon St PeasantVille, Rainbow, Vic 3999(HOME)</li>
<td style="background-color: #f3f5da" title="Nominated Contact: Next-of-Kin">Next-of-Kin:</td>
<td colspan="3">
<li> Bénédicte du Marché (female)</li>
<li> 534 Erewhon St PleasantVille Vic 3999 (HOME)</li>
<li> <a href="tel:+33(237)998327">+33 (237) 998327</a> </li>
<li> Valid Period: 2012 --&gt; (ongoing)</li>
<td style="background-color: #f3f5da" title="Patient Links">Links:</td>
<td colspan="3">
<li> Managing Organization: <a href="organization-example-gastro.html">Organization/1</a> &quot;Gastroenterology&quot;</li>
<use value="usual"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="MR"/>
<system value="urn:oid:"/>
<value value="12345"/>
<start value="2001-05-06"/>
<display value="Acme Healthcare"/>
<active value="true"/>
<use value="official"/>
<family value="Chalmers"/>
<given value="Peter"/>
<given value="James"/>
<use value="usual"/>
<given value="Jim"/>
<use value="maiden"/>
<family value="Windsor"/>
<given value="Peter"/>
<given value="James"/>
<end value="2002"/>
<use value="home"/>
<system value="phone"/>
<value value="(03) 5555 6473"/>
<use value="work"/>
<rank value="1"/>
<system value="phone"/>
<value value="(03) 3410 5613"/>
<use value="mobile"/>
<rank value="2"/>
<system value="phone"/>
<value value="(03) 5555 8834"/>
<use value="old"/>
<end value="2014"/>
<gender value="male"/>
<birthDate value="1974-12-25">
<extension url="">
<valueDateTime value="1974-12-25T14:35:45-05:00"/>
<deceasedBoolean value="false"/>
<use value="home"/>
<type value="both"/>
<text value="534 Erewhon St PeasantVille, Rainbow, Vic 3999"/>
<line value="534 Erewhon St"/>
<city value="PleasantVille"/>
<district value="Rainbow"/>
<state value="Vic"/>
<postalCode value="3999"/>
<start value="1974-12-25"/>
<system value=""/>
<code value="N"/>
<family value="du Marché">
<extension url="">
<valueString value="VV"/>
<given value="Bénédicte"/>
<system value="phone"/>
<value value="+33 (237) 998327"/>
<use value="home"/>
<type value="both"/>
<line value="534 Erewhon St"/>
<city value="PleasantVille"/>
<district value="Rainbow"/>
<state value="Vic"/>
<postalCode value="3999"/>
<start value="1974-12-25"/>
<gender value="female"/>
<start value="2012"/>
<reference value="Organization/1"/>


XML messages can be decoded by simply passing the raw string message to the XMLMsg constructor:

import XMLMsg from '@gofer-engine/xml';
import fs from 'fs';

const XML_String = fs.readFileSync('./sample.xml', 'utf-8');

const msg = new XMLMsg(XML_String);

To see the JSON decoded message, you can use the json() method:

const json = new XMLMsg(XML_String).json()
console.log(JSON.stringify(json, undefined, 2))

This xml-js decodes XML to JSON with either "compact" or "non-compact" JSON. The compact JSON stores the same data as the non-compact, the difference beeing that the non-compact provides a normalized schema'd JSON data object. By default the json method returns the compact JSON. To get the normalized, aka "non-compact", JSON you can pass true to the json method

const normalizedJSON = new XMLMsg(XML_string).json(true)
console.log(JSON.stringify(normalizedJSON, undefined, 2))

If you have a normalize, non-compact JSON object that you want to replace the decoded JSON object, you can use the setMsg method:



To encode a message back to an XML string, you can use the toString method on the XMLMsg class:

const xml = msg.toString();



The XMLMsg class exposes a get method that makes extracting inner XML data an easy task. This get method works by using the compacted JSON structure and the lodash.get library to extract the path.

Value Attributes

If path returned an XML element with a value attribute, then the value will be returned as a string.

const familyName = msg.get('[0].family');


The path "[0].family" points to the XML line <family value="Chalmers"/> since this XML element has a value attribute then this string is returned.

Inner XML

If path returned an single XML element without a value attribute, then the inner XML will be returned as a string;

const name = msg.get('[0]');


The path "[0]" points to an XML element:

<use value="official"/>
<family value="Chalmers"/>
<given value="Peter"/>
<given value="James"/>

Since there is no value attribute on the name, then the inner XML will be returned as a string:

<use value="official"/>
<family value="Chalmers"/>
<given value="Peter"/>
<given value="James"/>

Multiple Elements

If path returned multiple XML elements, then a XML numeric indexed list will be returned as a string.

<use value=\"official\"/>
<family value=\"Chalmers\"/>
<given value=\"Peter\"/>
<given value=\"James\"/>
<use value=\"usual\"/>
<given value=\"Jim\"/>
<use value=\"maiden\"/>
<family value=\"Windsor\"/>
<given value=\"Peter\"/>
<given value=\"James\"/>
<end value=\"2002\"/>


Limited Functionality Un-Documented

The transformation methods are not yet documented, because the library is in the middle of being rewritten using proper xPath and XLST template transformers.

Some transforming methods may work, some may not work with no error notice, and others will throw an error. Use at your own risk.

If available, your help would be appreciated to complete the rewriting of this library, writing tests, and completing the documentation.
