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· One min read
Anthony Master

Gofer Engine has been a fun project to build out, but it is not something I am currently using myself at the moment.

I have recently made a job change. I am still within the Healthcare Interoperability field, but no longer working for the same organization. My new organization is implementing EPIC and I am now EPIC Bridges Certified (also EPIC DC Admin Certified). We will be using InterSystems HealthShare Health Connect interface engine. I have not yet actually started working with this interface engine, but from what I am seeing, I will not have a need for a tool like Gofer Engine in this organization in the foreseeable future.

Since I am not utilizing Gofer-Engine, it will be difficult to continue developing it without someone dogfooding the product.

If you are interested in using Gofer Engine at it's earliest stages, or even if you are available to try it out for a specific use case need that you have then please contact me.

Thank you,

Anthony Master

· 4 min read
Anthony Master

How to Simplify, Reliably Connect, and Accelerate your healthcare systems.

That line was great, but that is not our motto... We're excited to share some insights into the core values that drive Gofer Engine and shape our mission in the realm of healthcare interoperability. As we embark on this journey together, it's essential to define what sets Gofer Engine apart.

· 15 min read
Anthony Master

I posted recently on LinkedIn starting a topic on how to enable integration in your healthcare application using HL7 and becoming an HL7 interoperability expert. The basis of using HL7 is first understanding exactly what HL7 is and how it works. By the end of this post, you will be able to look at an HL7 v2 message and be able to parse it without any fancy encoding tools.