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Unveiling the Motto of Gofer Engine

· 4 min read
Anthony Master

How to Simplify, Reliably Connect, and Accelerate your healthcare systems.

That line was great, but that is not our motto... We're excited to share some insights into the core values that drive Gofer Engine and shape our mission in the realm of healthcare interoperability. As we embark on this journey together, it's essential to define what sets Gofer Engine apart.

1. Interoperability: The Foundation of Gofer Engine

At the heart of Gofer Engine lies a commitment to interoperability. Why, you ask? Because Gofer Engine is more than just a tool; it's your toolkit for creating seamless connections between healthcare systems. If it doesn't excel in interoperability, then what's the point? We've made it our first and foremost priority, to ensure that Gofer Engine seamlessly integrates with a diverse range of systems, adapting to the unknowns of the healthcare landscape.

2. Compatibility: Embracing the Future of Healthcare Interoperability

Following closely is Compatibility. As healthcare standards and practices evolve, Gofer Engine positions itself to be highly compatible with the next evolution, or dare we say, revolution in healthcare interoperability. Our goal is not just to connect with the known but to be ready for whatever comes next in the dynamic healthcare environment.

3. Integrity: Safeguarding Your Healthcare Data

In the world of healthcare, data integrity is non-negotiable. Gofer Engine is designed to ensure that every message maintains its integrity throughout the filtering, transforming, and routing processes. When it comes to healthcare data, trust and accuracy are paramount.

4. Simplicity: A User-Friendly Experience

We believe that for Gofer Engine to grow beyond infancy, it must be simple to use, have a manageable learning curve, and be easy to operate, update, and maintain. Simplicity, coupled with approachability, operability, and maintainability, forms the backbone of a user-friendly experience that resonates with both novice and experienced developers.

5. Velocity: Adapting to the Speed of Change

Velocity is key, especially in the fast-paced world of healthcare. Gofer Engine allows your organization to maintain velocity by providing built-in thoroughness where possible. While we can't cover every aspect of interoperability, we offer a framework with most necessary tools already built in. And if you need more, our extensibility options with a vast library of packages or your custom-built library ensure you can keep up with evolving healthcare standards and practices.

6. Reliability Through Rigor: Upholding Stability and Availability

In the unpredictable world of healthcare, Gofer Engine places a strong emphasis on Availability, backed by the Rigor needed for Stability. While we can't prevent every hiccup, our environment is crafted to maintain high availability standards. Our development process follows rigorous attention to detail, ensuring a robust integration engine. We understand that changes happen, but rest assured, our commitment to thorough testing ensures that any adjustments are well-checked before reaching production. It's our way of maintaining reliability through a thoughtful and meticulous approach.

Unveiling Our Motto

Your Toolkit for Smooth Healthcare Interoperability - Simple, Reliable, and Fast!

In conclusion, we're thrilled to unveil our new motto that encapsulates the essence of Gofer Engine: "Your Toolkit for Smooth Healthcare Interoperability - Simple, Reliable, and Fast!" We believe in empowering you to navigate the complexities of healthcare connectivity with simplicity, reliability, and speed.

For a deeper dive into how values shape platforms, we recommend watching Bryan Cantrill's insightful Node Summit talk titled "Platform as a Reflection of Values".

Stay tuned for more exciting updates as we continue our journey together. Thank you for being a part of the Gofer Engine community!

Originally published on LinkedIn